Our Meditation Services

The healing journey began when I was initiated by one of my professors in college who taught me meditation from Spiritual Master Gururaj Ananda Yogi. He differentiated and prescribed individualized spiritual practices for householders living in a stressful world. Our Indian spiritual Master taught us to delve and integrate inside the mind, body, and spirit more than all the spiritual masters I have ever met in my life. In 1984, at 19 years old, learning to meditate, I found myself falling into heavenly healing in my body and blissful states of mind. I had found the teacher I had been looking for all my life. As I have been practicing meditation for 40 years and our world has moved up in consciousness, there is a need to re-integrate inside our hearts and bodies on Divine Mother Gaia! In saying this, we, as a meditation society, meet online and in person for weekly and weekend courses throughout the country and the world. AMS is my spiritual family and support for all the changes and stresses in life, especially now as we enter into a new time in a fragile society with fears surfacing as we gather to support one another during this chaotic transition. The American Meditation Society is a group of teachers and healers who gather weekly and yearly to move deeper into this newest energized paradigm, moving into the heightened integration we experience through group meditation. The American Meditation Society emblem below depicts the universality of all faiths and religions: if you click, you can look for a teacher in your area. We also teach in Europe, South Africa, South America, and Australia, and we are looking for more meditation students here and from around the world.